Water Softening for Softer Skin and Shinier Hair!

Water Treatment: What Are the Benefits of Water Softening

Hard water is a common problem in many Stuart homes today. This type of water contains high concentrations of minerals such as calcium. It can affect several different parts of your house and life. Here are some of the benefits of water softening.

Stuart, FL Water SofteningMake Cleaning Easier

One of the main benefits of water softening is that it will make cleaning your home much easier. Hard water can leave behind a yellowish or reddish residue that builds up over time. It can take extensive scrubbing or special cleaners to remove those deposits. Additionally, hard water can prevent some cleaners from working properly. Water softening will remove those minerals so that they do not stain your sinks, tubs and toilets.

Prevent Scale Buildup in Pipes and Appliances

A second benefit of water softening is that it will prevent scale buildup in pipes and appliances. Minerals like calcium in hard water can start to line your pipes. It can collect in the tubing and nozzles in appliances. This can eventually cause damage that will need to be repaired by our professional plumbers. Scale can even lead to corroded or blocked pipes. Having a water softening system installed will prevent this from happening.

Preserve Your Clothes

Doing laundry in hard water can negatively impact your clothes, linens and other fabrics. The minerals that are in the hard water will start to saturate the fabric. This can lead to clothes that do not feel soft or comfortable. It can cause colors to fade over time. Your clothes could be damaged if the problem is not addressed. Installing a water softener will help to preserve your clothes and other fabrics for as long as possible.

Water Feels Cleaner On the Skin

Hard water has a distinctive feeling when on the skin. You might have a strange residue or a slick feeling on your skin after taking a bath or shower. Hard water can prevent soap and shampoo from lathering correctly in certain instances. Water softening will remove these problems. Your water will feel cleaner and more natural on your skin. Your beauty products will also work as intended when you have softened water in your home.

Heat Water Faster

A final benefit is that softened water will heat up faster. The minerals in hard water can cause it to take much longer for water to get hot on your stove or in your home water heater. The result will be higher energy bills especially if your water heater becomes filled with minerals. A softening system will allow you to save time and money when heating up water in your Stuart home.

Your family deserves the purest water in your Stuart, FL home. Call Allore’s Plumbing at (772) 288-0998 for water treatment.