Here’s how to use less water!

Five Simple Ways to Cut Down Your Water Usage

Saving water in your home is both good for the environment and good for your pocketbook. Here are five simple ways to cut down your water usage.

Stuart, FL | Water Usage ServicesBe on the lookout for leaks

You can try all the water conservation techniques you can think of, but if you have a hidden leak somewhere in your Stuart home, it will all be for naught. Most leaks that occur in homes aren’t of the pipe-bursting, basement-flooding variety. They are slow drips that are out of sight.

It’s important to check all your plumbing fixtures and any pipes you have access to at least monthly to check for hidden leaks. Another way to check for leaks is to watch your water bill. If it suddenly goes up significantly without a logical explanation, you could have a hidden leak somewhere.

Turn the water off in sinks

One of the biggest ways people waste water in their home is by running the sink faucet more than they need to. For example, you don’t need to leave the faucet running when you are brushing your teeth.

You can turn it on to wet your toothbrush, and then turn it off until it is time to rinse your mouth out. There are numerous other situations where this can apply.

Install flow devices and sensors

Another way to cut down on your water usage without even having to think about it is to install flow devices. The most common is one that prevents your toilet from using more water than it needs to flush.

If you want to go a bit more high tech, you can install sensors on your kitchen and bathroom faucets that will turn the water off if you don’t have some item under the faucet.

Use gray water

Gray water is essentially recycled water. It can be used for watering plants and shrubs around your house. For example, you might put a bowl or pot under you when you are rinsing off vegetables and fruits in your sink and then use that water to water plants both inside and outside your home.

Take baths instead of showers

Showering is one of the most water-wasting activities in your Stuart home. A showerhead uses about 5-7 gallons per minute. If you replace a couple of showers each week with a bath instead, you can save dozens of gallons of water.

Put savings in your pocket this month by cutting the water usage in your Stuart, FL home. Call Allore’s Plumbing at (772) 288-0998, and see  how much you can save this month.