Some Ways to Freshen Up Your Garbage Disposal


Having a foul-smelling garbage disposal unit doesn’t mean that it cannot be used or can’t be remedied. If you’re a type of DIY person, then you can quickly fix the bad smell that you’re having in your garbage disposal unit. Use natural remedies as opposed to chemicals because the chemicals can damage your garbage disposal unit.

cut_up_some_citrusRemedies that are natural will preserve your garbage disposal unit as well as make the smell go away. It’s best to go for citrus fruits, vinegar, ice, and baking soda remedies, especially since you will have many of these items around your home and can easily get them at the store if you don’t have them in your home.

Putting these things into the garbage disposal unit can make it smell a lot better as well as sharpening the blades if you choose to use ice. If you have trouble figuring out how to use these garbage disposal freshening remedies, then refer to the rest of this article because it will give additional information on how to use natural resources to your benefit.

You also want to make sure there is nothing stuck in the garbage disposal unit, especially since this is a common occurrence which may be causing the smell in your unit.

Leaving large pieces of food that cannot be disposed of in the unit can also cause it to leave a lingering smell, so make sure to clean out the unit before doing anything to clean it up, sharpen the blades, or get rid of the smell. Although chemical remedies can be used, do it at your risk because it may damage your disposal unit.

Natural Remedies To Consider

Using natural resources is always best for your garbage disposal unit, especially since everyone should know what chemicals can do to the pipes and drains connected to the waste disposal unit. Try some of these remedies to get rid of the smell in your garbage disposal unit.

  • Salt & Ice
  • Citrus Fruits
  • Ice & Vinegar
  • Baking Soda
  • Baking Soda & Vinegar

Salt And Ice- Using ice in a garbage disposal is a great way to sharpen up the blades, especially since you can’t get in there to do it on your own without help. The salt can also contribute to disinfect, and it’s best to use rock salt or sea salt, but table salt can still be just as useful.

Citrus Fruits- When you’ve finished eating an orange, lime, lemons, grapefruits or any other kind of citrus fruits, don’t discard the peels because they are ideal for disinfecting your garbage disposal unit. Cut them into small enough pieces before putting them in the group, and it will leave a citrus smell behind.

Ice And Vinegar-
You already know what ice can do to your garbage disposal unit, so adding vinegar is also an excellent way to kill bacteria, germs, and mold, especially since it has high in acidity. If you add in some citrus as well, then it’s even more beneficial, and the ice cubes will also help the blades to become sharper.

Baking Soda- Almost everyone has baking soda in their fridge to get rid of odors, and it’s good for a lot of other things too, especially making the garbage disposal smell better. Put some of the baking soda in the disposal unit, then run some warm water.

Baking Soda And Vinegar- Adding these two together and putting it into your garbage disposal unit will leave a much better smell, and the chemical reaction is also an excellent way to get stuck pieces of food off from the inside of the unit. Put these two items together, and let it stand for up to 15 minutes before rinsing the unit with hot water.

Avoid Putting These Objects In Your Unit

One of the reasons why your garbage disposal may smell bad is because you’ve put things down there that you shouldn’t, and now the unit is no longer functioning properly. A broken disposal unit may have food left inside of it and start to smell after a while. Never put objects in the group, such as metal, old pieces of meat, uncooked meat, coffee grinds, uncooked pasta, fabric and more.

It’s best to stick to soft foods when putting them through the garbage disposal unit and try to avoid throwing grease down the unit as well, particularly as it may eventually harden and then clog up the unit altogether.

The Power Of Citrus Can Make The Smell Better

Those who don’t know how dominant citrus is should look into it because it’s perfect for garbage disposal units. Citrus fruits are easy to come by anytime of the year, even if it’s one fruit as opposed to another.

garbage-disposalYou may have some fruits in your fridge that are going bad, or if they’re sitting out long enough to where they’ve gone wrong, only cut them into pieces, and throw them into your garbage disposal unit, even if there is currently no smell. The citrus can help to make any smell in your garbage disposal go away, even if you’re only using the peels.

The acid that can be found in citrus fruits is perfect for disinfection of the blades as well as the walls of the garbage disposal unit, leaving you with a fresh smelling unit.

Get A Plumber When You Need One

If you continue to get a smell from your unit after you’ve done everything to get rid of it, then consider calling a plumber because you may have a deeper issue that you don’t know of.

It’s entirely possible that there is a problem with your sewage system, which is making the smell come through the garbage disposal unit, so don’t hesitate to give the plumber a call when the smell becomes more of a problem than you can handle.

You don’t have to deal with a bad smelling garbage disposal unit, only call Allore’s Plumbing Services LLC in Stuart, FL at (772) 288-0998 for service.

Why Saving Water During Summer is Key

Why Saving Water During Summer is Key

Water covers more than 70 percent of the earth’s surface. Unfortunately, most of it is salt water and unfit to drink. Both people and animals need fresh water to survive. What happens when there are water shortages?

conserve-waterSources of Water

Ground Water

  • Wells and springs provide water for people who do not live close to municipal water sources. Some areas of Africa depend on deep wells for their water. Some of these sources may be contaminated since users have neither the means nor the knowledge to test their drinking water.

Surface Water

  • Civilizations settle near water sources. Lakes and rivers provided small populations with easy access to drinking water. As populations grow, municipal leaders find water sources to meet the needs of more people.

Replenishing Water Sources

Nature provides two ways to replenish water sources: winter snows and rain.

  • Winter Snows
    • Melting winter snows replenish rivers, streams, and reservoirs. New Mexico and other Western states depend on winter snow to supply their water needs. If the snowfall is inadequate, water shortages occur; and people must practice water conservation.
  • Rain
    • Rain adds water to rivers, streams, and ground. The gentle rain that soaks into the ground is best for sustaining water supplies. Torrential rains cause flooding and do little to replenish drinking water sources.

When Sources Run Dry

world-water-conservationInsufficient drinking water forces people to make one of three decisions: buy water move to a water source or die of thirst.

  • Buying and Selling Water
    • Some areas have resources that allow them to buy water from outside sources. These countries include Bahrain, Qatar, and Kuwait. On the other hand, Siberia and Canada have a surplus of water that can be sold to Central Asia, North Africa, and the American southwest.
  • Moving to an Area with Water
    • People who move to new locations where water is a place of more demand on the system. As demands increase, municipal leaders face new water conservation and water waste challenges.
  • Die of Thirst
    • No one likes to think about this option, but many people face it every day. Water shortages are a global problem. What if it is your next problem?

Other Causes of Water Shortages

  • Political Unrest
    • During Libya’s political upheaval, thousands of people were cut off from water supplies. Tripoli suffers through periods of fuel, food and water shortages. Water has become as a political weapon.
  • Violence and Terrorism
    • Since there is little natural water in Yemen, the people rely on outside sources. Terrorists who travel through Yemen disrupt the delivery of water.
  • Arid Climates and Climate Change
    • Global climate changes make it impossible to know where the next water shortage will occur. People who have clean water with every turn of the faucet handle may discover water scarcity in their neighborhood. Whether these shortages are temporary or permanent, people should practice water conservation.

You and Your Local Water Company

Municipal authorities build delivery systems that bring fresh water into residences and businesses. Although purification procedures remove most harmful substances from the water, some people purchase filters for extra protection.

Do you Need a Filter?

A qualified plumber can recommend the proper filter to resolve the following:

  • rain-barrel-collection-systemWater Treated with Chemicals
    • Chlorine and other chemicals are used to kill or remove various organisms that can make you sick. However, these chemicals remain in the water; and some people use a filter to remove them.
  • Old Water Mains
    • Old water mains may cause your drinking water to be colored or have an odd odor. Old iron pipes depositing rust particles into your water may cause this problem. Although the water is not a health hazard, some people use a filter to remove the odor and improve taste
  • Bacteria and Microorganisms
    • Pathogens such as Cryptosporidium, E. coli, and others can make you ill. Infants and senior citizens are more susceptible to these organic contaminants. Some people install filters to guard against these dangers.
  • Lead
    • Older city water systems may contain lead. This material was used in water systems before people were aware of its dangers. Lead in drinking water can cause chronic diseases and childhood developmental difficulties. Flint, Michigan has recently discovered lead in their water system.

Conserving Water and Water Waste Concerns

Your local water source is a lake, river or reservoir. During summer months, water sources are decreased due to heavier demand. Watering lawns, flowers and gardens increase the need for water. Winter snows and rains are months away, and you should practice the following:

In the Kitchen

  • Dishwashers use less water than washing by hand.
  • Research each dishwasher’s water efficiency before purchasing a new one.
  • Use one glass for drinking each day. No need to wash several glasses.
  • Soak pots and pans before scraping. Do not use running water for cleaning.
  • Use a pan to wash fruits and vegetables.
  • Water your house plants with the water you used to wash fruits and vegetables.

In the Bathroom

  • Install an efficient shower-head
  • Wet soap and washcloth. Turn shower off. After using the washcloth on your body, turn the shower on and rinse.
  • Turn off water while brushing teeth

You can find much more water-saving ideas on the Internet, at your water company and your plumber’s. Please do your part and conserve water this summer.

For more information on how to save water in your Stuart, FL home, call Allore’s Plumbing Services LLC at (772) 288-0998.

Clean Without the Clog: Your Guide to Battling Clogged Toilets

Why Flushing Regular Wipes Will Clog Your Drains

Wet wipes are usually labeled as flushable. The flushable wipes are tested in the labs and branded as safe for flushing. Wipes are being cited in municipalities all over as the reason for many toilet repair and drain cleaning services.

While cities are focused on managing the impact of wet wipes on the sewer system, households are encountering plumbing problems as a result of the common practice.

Stuart, FL DIY-wet-wipes-1What happens when a wipe is flushed?

Toilet paper can take over eight seconds to fully disintegrate once it has been flushed. The flushable wipe can take as long as half an hour to disintegrate. While the industry is working toward developing a wet wipe that is capable of disintegrating in approximately 15 seconds. While the new wet wipe has yet to be introduced, households are being encouraged to abandon the practice of flushing wet wipes.

Your Plumbing at a Glance

Some pipes are made from materials like PVC, which are more prone to snagging. Aging pipes can also make it increasingly difficult for wipes to successfully travel through the plumbing systems. This is why wet wipes should not be flushed. Doing so can lead to costly problems later. A drainage pipe is typically 10cm in diameter, so the relatively small area can easily become blocked if waste is allowed to accumulate.

How Cities are Responding to the Practice

The practice has caused its share of challenges for local municipalities. Some agencies have had to install shredding technologies to ensure the safe passage of wet wipes through the plumbing. Other cities have called on workers to manually remove and separate the synthetic material from other waste.

Managing the Sewer Problem

In some cases, the wipes can enter the filter of the outlet side of the sewage tank, which can cause sewer problems.

Blockages in drains and smaller sewers may also lead to pollution problems if rainy or inclement weather happens. The sewage treatment company must dedicate resources to handle the increased volume of solid matter prior to it reaching area landfills. Preventing it from entering the filters while treated is a major feat. If it reaches the system and isn’t detected, the machinery can break down.

City sewage treatment plants have had to get creative in an effort to tackle major clogging problems since wipes do not dissolve as easily as toilet paper.

What’s considered flushable?

The “flushable” wipe can only be labeled suitable for flushing if it passes a series of tests. A special protocol, the SNAP protocol, is used to test whether or not hygiene and sanitary products can be safely disposed of by flushing. The testing is voluntary.

The water industry does not permit manufacturers to label the product as flushable if it cannot successfully meet those standards. The voluntary protocol is still in its earliest stages of development. The term flushable actually means that the wipes won’t cause immediate clogging as it initially enters the pipes of your home after a toilet flushes. It doesn’t mean that later on during the traveling process that the wipe won’t hit a snag.

What should you actually flush?

Plumbing experts recommend that human waste and toilet paper be the only thing that should be flushed. Even Kleenex is being discouraged from being flushed. Drain cleaners and similar products can cause issues that could lead to toilet repair or issues that could require cleaning the drains.

How often should the drains be cleaned?

Plumbing experts recommend that the drainage system be cleaned every three to five years. While this is practical for most households, it may not be feasible for those who use flushable wipes. Cleaning the drains may actually be needed more often than not.

Stuart, FL DIY-wet-wipes-2What are the advantages of professional drain cleaning?

Professional cleaning is recommended for all households. Cleaning the drains protects the pipes and plumbing of the home. This practice limits the amount of damage caused by routine wear and tear.

Using professional drain cleaner services lowers the likelihood of major plumbing repairs. Seen as a preventive maintenance service, periodic cleaning limits the amount of damage to the household plumbing that can accelerate system’s aging process.

What is required during the drainage pipe cleaning process?

The plumbing professional will access the internal septic system. This may require lots of digging. The professionals will then open up the system and use a vacuum system, which is often attached to the septic truck. The vacuum system will then manually suck out all of the wipes, which will remove the build from the tank. The sewage system will then be fully restored and begin functioning normally.

Flushable and biodegradable are common terms affixed to the flushable wipe products available on the market. Plumbers and municipalities alike are working to discourage the practice due to the increased number of resources taken to manage the problem.

While services like toilet repair or drain cleaning are needed on occasion, flushing wipes could increase the plumbing costs for a household. This is especially the case if a major plumbing disaster should occur.

If you have noticed changes in your plumbing, contact us for quality services in your Stuart, FL home, call Allore’s Plumbing Services LLC at (772) 288-0998.

Drink Fresh and Clean Water Today!

10 Benefits of an Advanced Water Filtration System

As we have learned from Flint, Michigan and other locales throughout the United States, your municipal water may not be as clean as local authorities claim it is. Installing an advanced water filtration system offers several key benefits that can improve your health and the lifespan of your plumbing.

Stuart, FL water-filter-installation-21. Clean Water from Every Tap

Many people have a filtration system on their kitchen faucet. However, this is not the only place in a typical Stuart home where people get water.

Most people rinse their mouths after brushing their teeth with water from a bathroom sink; in addition, children and others may occasional refill a water glass there.

Installing an advanced water filtration system ensures that only the highest quality filtered water comes out of every faucet in your Stuart home.

2. Reduced Chlorine

Chlorine is used to decontaminate water in the public supply. This is helpful in large reservoirs but can have negative effects when this chlorinated water is coming out of every tap in your home. Chlorine in your water evaporates into your air, leaving a slightly bleach-like smell that is unpleasant.

In addition, who wants to breathe or drink a dangerous chemical such as chlorine in any amount? Chlorine in your water can also gradually damage your clothing, your plumbing system, and other items that are continuously exposed to tap water.

3. Alleviate Asthma and Allergies

Chlorine and other water additives can make asthma and allergies worse, as can tiny amounts of mildew spores and other things present in unfiltered tap water. Not only can asthma and allergies be exacerbated by drinking this water, but by bathing in it as well. A whole house filtration system removes these allergens from the water you drink and bathe in for a healthier, happier family.

4. Thoroughly Clean Water for Bathing and Showering

Bathing in unclean water can be as much of a health hazard as drinking it. Your skin is your body’s largest organ, so exposing it to chemicals, microbes, and toxins can have serious health effects.

In addition, many people (especially children) inadvertently swallow some of the water used to shower and bathe. Installing an advanced water filtration system ensures that the water from your bathrooms is healthy and pure.

5. Lead and Other Metals

Public water safety standards allow a certain amount of metals in drinking water. These may be unsafe over a lifetime of use. In addition, children, pets, and other small animals are likely to suffer the effects of metal poisoning from a much smaller dose than larger animals and adults. Why not cut that exposure, however minimal, down to zero?

6. Mineral Residues

If you have hard or soft water, there are minerals in your water. Over time, these can build up and do serious damage to your plumbing. These minerals also leave deposits that must be scrubbed off of sinks and bathtubs. They can leave films on your clothing and your dishes. A water filtration system will keep your plumbing healthy for a longer time while reducing your cleaning work.

7. Reduced Cancer Risk

Not only can heavy metals cause an increase in serious illnesses such as cancer, but other minerals and additives in your water can do so as well. Filtering your water will keep your family and pets healthier over the long term. The risks of lifelong exposure to tiny and ostensibly safe levels of chemicals simply haven’t been thoroughly studied.

8. No More Germs in Your Water!

Public drinking water supplies are generally kept safe, but there are occasional water reservoir related outbreaks of cryptosporidium and other bacteria that cause serious illness in humans and animals. Filtering your water, including the water you bathe in, reducing your chances of being caught in one of these outbreaks to almost nil.

9. Better Taste

Filtered water (and ice made from this water) just tastes and looks better. It is clear and delicious, with no clouding or chlorine smell. This superior aesthetic sense often encourages people to drink more water, which is a healthy habit for lifelong well-being. If you are struggling to drink more water, or get your loved ones to do so, why not make this water as appealing and refreshing as possible?

10. Breakdowns in Public Sanitation

Unfortunately, we only find out that public sanitation systems are not working as intended after people become ill from drinking or bathing in the water. Depending on these public systems to work as intended without fail puts your family and loved ones at risk. Advanced water filter installation is an affordable way of adding an extra layer of protection to ensure clean drinking water.

Are you thinking about installing an advanced water filtration system to ensure the health and well-being of your Stuart household?

For quality water filter installation services in your Stuart, FL home, call Allore’s Plumbing Services at (772) 288-0998 today for an estimate.

Are You Thinking You Should Upgrade Your Bathroom? Go For It!

10 Reasons To Remodel Your Bathroom

Deciding on a bathroom remodel can be a tough choice, especially if you aren’t sure that you truly need one. The problem with a lot of bathrooms is that they may appear perfectly fine on the surface, but underneath a storm of potential issues are brewing.

Due to the unique requirements of a bathroom, like HVAC, plumbing, and lighting, there are a number of places that might be begging for a remodel. It’s important to remember that bathroom remodeling is a serious job, and all your remodeling needs should be handled by a trained professional in the Stuart region. We’ve outlined below 10 of the best reasons why you might want to consider remodeling your bathroom.

 Stuart, FL bathroom remodeling1. Expanding an Old Bathroom

Remodeling your bathroom is not simply an opportunity to change the design or style. A full remodel might involve creating an entirely new bathroom, or expanding an old one to better accommodate the needs of your growing family. Additional space is great for cutting down on morning prep time, and less arguing over who gets to use the shower first.

2. To Remove Carpeting

Whoever decided that carpet in a bathroom was a good idea clearly didn’t understand what goes on inside a bathroom. While this is typically associated with older houses, carpeted bathrooms are still a major issue today. Carpet is a brewing ground for mildew, mold, and bacteria. Any modern bathroom remodeler will gladly replace your old disgusting bathroom carpet with pristine tiles.

3.  To Make it More Functional

If the needs of your family have grown, then a remodel can certainly help with the new daily requirements. Perhaps you need to add a second sink to the busiest bathroom, or maybe your old shower stall needs to be upgraded to a bathtub for the young ones. Nearly any specific functionality you need can be adapted to your bathroom by a trained professional.

4. Due to the Bathroom’s Aging

Sometimes a remodel might be necessary strictly from an aesthetic perspective. Old and outdated styles that are tiresome compared to today’s sleek designs can easily be replaced. Bringing a dingy bathroom up to speed can do wonders for the feeling inside the rest of your Stuart home. You might be surprised at the difference a new set of bathroom fixtures and a fresh coat of paint will do for the overall appearance.

5.  To Increase its Efficiency

Of course, a bathroom remodel should not only add modern elegance to the surface, but it should take into account the amount of energy used to make it all possible. Low-flow fixtures can save on water usage, and radiant floors combined with energy-efficient lights provide a cost-effective update that could easily help pay for itself with time.

The windows in a bathroom are often overlooked, but they should provide as much, if not more, insulation than other windows in the home to prevent unpleasant drafts. The more efficient your remodel proves to be, the more you’ll save in the long run.

6. To Provide Safety

Some bathrooms must be remodeled to deal with increased safety concerns. This is especially true if the bathroom is used by an elderly person who might fall or otherwise injure themselves due to a lack of safety measures. Bathrooms can be redesigned to have wider doors, slip-resistant floors, and more accessible showers. These measures are perfect for families with aging members, or for dealing with injuries that make independence difficult.

7. Resale Value

Bathrooms play a big part in whether a homebuyer will make an offer. In a market where every detail of a home is important, a remodeled bathroom can be the deciding factor. It has been estimated that as much as 78 percent of the value put into a bathroom remodel can be recouped during a sale, so not only does a newer bathroom make it more likely to sell your home, but it does so in a way that returns that spent value to you, at least in part.

8. Structural Integrity

The bathroom is one of the most dynamic rooms in your home, thanks in part to the moisture content. If not properly handled with ventilation and drainage, a moisture problem can easily attack the surrounding structure of the bathroom. This is dangerous for every home, since water damage has a negative effect on basically every material that might be present.

Homes made primarily of wood are more susceptible to water damage as well, since the wood swells and eventually bursts from the water content. Moisture or mold in the HVAC system near the bathroom can be a sign of water damage.

 Stuart, FL bathroom remodeling 29. Relaxation Space

Perhaps you have an older shower that doesn’t do much for your comfort, so you’d like to upgrade to something a little more relaxing. A bathroom remodel is the perfect way to achieve this, since it gives you the opportunity to make large changes.

You could turn your bathroom into your own private sauna, complete with steam shower and heated towels. Bathing is supposed to be one of the most relaxing activities in which one can partake, so you might as well take full advantage of it with a remodeled bathroom.

10. General Repair

Leaky faucets, running toilets, chipped paint, cracked drywall, and more are all issues that might be fixed by a professional bathroom remodel. Many of these issues can be repaired without the need for a full remodel, but they actually point toward larger problems in general. A leaky faucet could point to water damage in the walls. Running toilets might be using far more water than they should. Paint and drywall problems are almost certainly connected to moisture issues.

You could easily have these problems fixed one at a time, but that would be no better than putting a bandage over a bullet wound. Professional care is critical when dealing with a bathroom remodel.

Only trained professionals are able to deal with spontaneous issues that may present themselves during a remodel.

Call Allore’s Plumbing Services LLC at (772) 288-0998 for premium bathroom remodeling services in your Stuart, FL home.

How to Tell If Your Sewer Line Needs Repair

3 Signs Your Sewer Line Needs Repair

Damage to your sewer line is a serious problem that exposes itself in the worst possible way. If left unchecked, it can lead to even worse problems that put you and your family’s health at stake. Unfortunately, major problems are not always apparent in the beginning, and are often confused with minor problems.

As a Stuart area homeowner being aware of potential sewer line problems could potentially save you lots of money, prevent damage to your home, and prevent repair or replacement of the sewer line. To avoid the headache, it’s important to recognize and know what to look out for when there is an issue with your sewer line. Below are some signs to consider, if any of them rear their ugly head, seek professional help immediately.

Stuart, FL sewer-line-repair-11. Water Draining Slowly or Backed-Up Drains

Sinks and tubs that drain slowly are a pain and very annoying, this is especially true when you are cleaning your home or entertaining guests at home. When faced with this problem, most people simply reach for the drain cleaner to try to de-clog the drain. Unfortunately, this is only a temporal measure, it might improve the problem, but only for a short amount time.

Commercial drain cleaner products, though an easy fix, can actually cause more harm than good. This is because they contain corrosive chemicals that are harsh to your sewer pipes. By using them, you weaken the already faulty and damaged sewer line and this can cause the entire line to collapse. It is better for you to call a plumber with appropriate equipment to solve the issue.

When your drain is clogged it means that there is a problem in your sewer line. Though this could mean that the drain simply has an obstruction that a drain cleaner can solve, the bigger question is why has the obstruction occurred. It could be that there is a problem in your piping that should be addressed before it escalates into an even bigger problem. Seek the services of a plumber who can decipher the real reason for slow draining sinks, tubs, showers, and slow flushing toilets.

When drains start backing up, and water is coming back up from all drains, sinks, tubs, showers and toilets, this usually means that the sewer line is definitely faulty and water can’t drain properly. It can also indicate that there is severe damage, and replacement is almost certain.

2. Soggy Patches and Water Spots

Damp water spots found in your basement are early warning signs of something wrong with your sewer line. Commonly found around drains and coupled with foul odors, these patches can be the first indication that there is indeed something wrong. When left unattended, this can lead to flooding of the basement with sewer water damaging even the foundation of the house.

Moisture and water accumulating from sewer leaks can also cause cracks to form on the walls and the floors, causing damage and weakening them. Seek assistance from a Stuart plumber before the damage gets out of hand.

Finding puddles in your lawn that are soggy for no apparent reason is another cause for alarm. These puddles may be particularly close to where the pipes run or at the joints. Leaks can also be caused by industrial waste that has backed up. This waste is usually dangerous and can introduce dangerous chemicals into the ground water.

Finding an area on the lawn that has unusual vegetation growth is another sign of leakage. The contaminated water can cause indentations in the lawn where sewer leaks have softened it.

Leaks from the sewer line can be caused by various factors, such as:

  1.  Tree roots: Roots cause destruction as they try to seek water.
  2. Seismic activity: Earthquakes and tremors cause cracks that cause sewer leakage.
  3. Digging: When digging nearby, you can inadvertently cause damage to the sewer line.
  4. Floods: They cause a lot of water to infiltrate sewers, causing problems.
  5. Leaching minerals: Minerals occurring outside the sewer line can corrode it.
  6. Hard water: Causes damage to the pipes from within.
  7. Temperature: Fluctuations of temperature and especially long periods of cold weather affect the sewer line.
  8. Rust: Corrosion may occur, especially in old pipes.

Stuart, FL sewer-line-repair-23. Foul Odors and Odd Sounds

If you find your home has a foul odor that smells like rotten eggs, then the likely culprit is the sewer line. Drain pipes are designed with u-bends that trap and prevent foul smells from going back up and reaching the top of drains. However, if these odors reach the surface, regardless of this safety measure, there is a problem.

These odors are usually caused by the build-up of bacteria. Bacteria grows in drains due to the accumulation of organic matter on the walls of the drains. This organic matter is mainly food waste, hair, and soap; all elements that feed the bacteria and aid it’s growth. The result is a foul sewer or acrid smell in the sewer line. When odors are found in all house faucets then there is a major problem in the plumbing line.

If the sewer line is damaged or cracked, the foul odors will definitely pass through the drain and into the home. If you get a whiff of these smells contact your plumber since it could be a broken sewer line. Unusual sounds heard when water is draining usually indicate the same problem. Odd bubbling or gurgling sounds when you flush the toilet or drain a sink, show that there is at least some type of clogging of the sewer line.

Other signs you should look out for include:

  1. Toilet water level fluctuations
  2. Multiple plumbing issues
  3. Unusual water reactions: For example, if you flush one toilet and water comes out of a sink
  4. Sudden increases in your water bills
  5. Low water pressure or flow
  6. Age of the pipes: Old pipes are easily prone to damage
  7. Any of these signs should lead you to seek help for your sewer line.

Replacing or fixing a sewer line is a task best left to professionals. For expert services in Stuart, FL contact Allore’s Plumbing Services LLC at 772 288-0998.

Water Heater Maintenance: Drain Your Water Heater

How to Drain Your Water Heater and Why

Most of us expect to have hot water available for our baths and showers, and a water heater makes this possible. Your Stuart heater requires proper care to work effectively, and getting it drained or flushed regularly is an important aspect of this care. Below are points to keep in mind:

Stuart, FL water-heater-servicesFlushing Needs To Be Handled By A Plumber

Flushing should to be tackled by a competent plumber. The process is simple: A hose is joined to your tank, and the tank is then drained and refilled. During the process, your tank’s ventilation, rods and other parts are cleaned.

Flushing Keeps Your Tank Free Of Sediments

Sediments can accumulate in the base of your water tank, and they may negatively impact the way your tank performs. The buildup from these sediments can create a buffer between the water and your tank’s heating elements, and this can make it harder for your tank to heat water. This buildup will also cause your tank to use more energy.

Flush Your Tank At Least Once A Year

A good hard-and-fast rule is to flush your water tank once a year. This guideline is recommended by many water heater companies, who send their clients reminder notices to ensure compliance. The water quality of the region in which you live can have an impact on how often you need to flush. If your water is soft, you may require less frequent flushing, while hard water will require you to flush more regularly.

If You Don’t Flush Regularly, It Could Have Serious Consequences

One side effect of not getting your tank regularly flushed is a water heater that delivers compromised energy efficiency. Over time, problems can develop that are even more serious. Sediment can accumulate in your tank and pipes and taint your water supply. Eventually, sediment buildup could result in diminished water pressure, a burst water pipe, or complete failure of your water heater.

Tankless Water Heaters Need To Be Flushed

Even though tankless water heaters don’t carry as much water as their traditional counterparts, they still need to be flushed to function effectively. Buildup can cause the same problems in tankless heaters as you’ll find with traditional models in your Stuart home. Flushing will help remove scales and sediment and will ensure that fans and venting get the cleaning they need.

To get top-rate plumbing care for your Stuart, FL home, call Allore’s Plumbing at (772) 288-0998.

Worried About Leaky Faucets?

Plumber Recommended Methods for Fixing a Leaky Faucet

A leaky faucet may seem like a relatively minor plumbing issue to deal with, but it can create a big headache for you. For example, a dripping faucet can keep you awake at night with the incessant sound of water dropping into the sink of your Stuart home.

In addition, it can inflate your water bill higher than it otherwise would be. Many leaks will become more pronounced over time, and you may find that the annoying sound and the high water bills become more problematic as the days and weeks pass.

Stuart, FL Plumber | Faucet Leak Repair ServicesWith this in mind, you may be curious what steps you can take to fix the leak in your bathroom or kitchen faucet.

Call the Plumber

The first and most important step that you can take to remedy the situation with a leaking faucet is to contact a skilled and established plumber. A plumbing company can send a professional to your Stuart home to diagnose the issue through a physical exam of the feature.

He can provide you with a written estimate to repair the damage as well as a time frame within which the repairs can be made. In many instances, the repair work can be completed during the plumber’s first visit to the home, and this can be a true benefit to those who are kept awake at night by the sound of the faucet dripping or who are worried about the expense of water waste.

Different Repair Options

There are two primary methods that plumbers may use to fix your problem. The first is to tighten the screws that are located underneath the face plates on the faucet handles.

This is a quick and easy solution that only requires the face plates to be removed and the screws to be tightened. The second common repair method is to simply replace the faucet altogether.

There are a few affordable models that may be available at your local hardware store, and your plumber can install the faucet that you select without delay. In most cases, these solutions will fix the drip or leak.

Set Up Service Today

A plumbing issue like a leaking or dripping faucet can be a true dilemma for you to deal with, but it often is remedied with a simple call to your plumbing company. If you have grown tired of dealing with the extra cost of a dripping faucet or of listening to the sound of a leaking faucet in your Stuart home, now is a great time to contact Allore’s Plumbing Services LLC at (772) 288-0998 for an appointment.

Upgrade Your Throne

The Latest Toilet Technologies

If you own a home today, you know just how much technology has taken over day-to-day living. While most people think technology pertains only to home electronics, the fact is many other parts of a home now rely on technology to accomplish various tasks.

To the surprise of many, bathrooms have gone high-tech in recent years, with toilets leading the way. No longer a simple bowl, today’s toilet is capable of performing numerous tasks that sound like science-fiction. To find out just what toilets can do today, take a look at some of the most interesting features they possess.

Stuart, FL toilet-technologies-1Your Heart Will Skip a Beat

If you’d like to accomplish as much as possible with your toilet, consider purchasing one that can let you know the status of your health every time you pay it a visit.

If you or a loved one have health issues that need to be monitored, toilets today can monitor heart rates, blood pressure, respiration, and even blood sugar levels for diabetics. Originally used with hospital patients, these toilets are expected to become common in homes as the U.S. population gets older in the coming years.

Flushing Golf Balls

Even if you don’t play golf, it’s a fact that golf balls have probably played a role in the development of your toilet. Since consumers have long complained about toilets clogging, manufacturers spent countless hours perfecting toilets that are virtually clog-free.

To make sure the technology would work, engineers tested them by filling them with golf balls and then seeing how many balls would flush without clogging. In the end, they found that 24 golf balls could be flushed without clogging, virtually guaranteeing a clog-free toilet in most homes.

The Massaging Toilet

If you want the ultimate experience with your toilet, consider having one installed that offers massaging features. With these toilets, you can choose from seats that heat up and massage you while you take care of business, play your favorite music, feature non-sticking surfaces on the seats, and much more.

At one time available only for the rich and famous, these toilets are becoming very popular in homes as more and more people look to convert their bathrooms into day spas, where they can unwind after a long day at the office.

For quality services in your Stuart, FL home, call Allore’s Plumbing at (772) 288-0998.

It’s a Good Year for Bathroom Remodeling

The Top 3 Bathroom Remodeling Trends to Watch for in 2016

When it comes to most Stuart homes, at one point every room gets a makeover. Whether an extensive one or not, it’s always exciting to see a room be transformed into something new. In 2016, the room of choice for remodeling is the bathroom. Long viewed as a rather simple room in a home, the bathroom of 2016 promises to become one of extravagance as well as functionality. Whether it’s having a different style of bathtub, installing new fixtures, or adding some unique shelving to the room, there are sure to be plenty of surprises in store for many bathrooms. If you’re searching for some of the latest remodeling ideas, take a look at some of the hottest bathroom remodeling trends expected to grow in popularity in 2016.

Stuart, FL Bathroom RemodelingHeated Flooring

Whereas years ago people who stepped out of a tub or shower had to put their feet on a very cold floor, in today’s bathrooms that will become a thing of the past. For those who want luxury in their bathrooms, installing a heated floor may be just the answer. In many instances, the controls can be installed inside a shower or near a bathtub, enabling a person to control the temperature prior to putting even one toe on the floor.

Multiple Showerheads

If you want a shower experience unlike any you’ve ever had, consider having multiple showerheads installed. Able to provide varying streams of water at different settings, they are very useful for those who have muscle pain and are seeking a massaging shower as a way to loosen tight muscles. Along with this, many new showerheads are capable of playing music, letting people listen to their favorite tunes while loosening up their muscles.

Freestanding Tub

If you just want to soak your cares away, consider installing a freestanding tub. Taking the place of built-in bathtubs, freestanding versions come in many different styles, shapes, and colors, making them more popular than ever in Stuart and around the world.

If these 2016 bathroom trends sound appealing, there’s no better time than now to turn your dreams into reality. To have all this and more done to your Stuart, FL bathroom, contact Allore’s Plumbing Services LLC at (772) 288-0998 as soon as possible. Once you do, we think you’ll agree it was the best decision made for your house.